As a broken Jesus girl, Stephanie is learning that true perfection will only come on the other side of eternity. Trusting that there will come a day when she will finally get it right… until then… she is clinging to the fact that in the midst of ALL her failures that not only is Jesus with her, but He is scooping her up, carrying her through and cheering her on. And guess what sweet girl, He’s right there for you too, willing and oh-so-ready! Regardless of what our circumstances tells us, we can rest assured that there will come a day when WE WILL GET IT RIGHT! Hal-le-lu-jah! With a heart that desires to be transparent and a spirit that desires to be genuine, Stephanie reveals who she truly is and shares her experiences of how God is truly making something beautiful from the ashes of her life.
Along with her husband and their two daughters, Stephanie calls Greensboro, NC home.