And if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22 HCSB

I have a game I play with Jesus. It is called “Get me the best parking spot.” I shattered my ankle a few years back and walking continues to be difficult. My prayer begins on the way to my location and ends with gratitude as I pull into the spot He has made for me.

One afternoon, on the way to my studio with a number of parcels, and two flights of stairs to tackle, my prayer was in earnest, “Lord could I have a spot right in front of my door today?” As I pulled up, I held my breath, would my spot be there? I smiled as I saw that the SECOND spot closest to my door was available.  I pulled in, giving thanks, and praise, that my walk would be manageable.  I got out of the car and began planning how I would manage the stairs and the parcels. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the car in front of me move.  My spot, right in front of the studio, was available!

I was in absolute wonder, that He had provided my exact prayer – in His timing. He whispered to me, “Are you content in second best, or will you occupy the space I have made available for you?” As I often do, I argued with Him, “You want me to move my car? Now? I am grateful….” In my mind I ran through the extra steps on my ankle, the time, the effort and I argued with Him internally. There was no answer from heaven to my toddler pouts.

With profound clarity He showed me that, in His timing, our prayers are answered.  He made the exact spot I had prayed for available and I was grateful. My faith was bolstered, but, my responsibility was to occupy the space of the blessing, not to be content with second best.  “Close enough” is not the currency of heaven.  We are never meant to cast down roots in the spaces on the way to our final journey. He has a promised land in sight for us- do we have the temperament, the patience, fortitude, faith, and time to keep walking until He tells us to “park”?

That day, I got back in my car and I relocated to fully inhabit my blessing.  I have been praying, for over 10 years, into the dreams that He has planted in my heart. My studio, was the beginning of the manifestation of those dreams. I now know this, I must watch and wait for the next “spot” to open as He makes a way for more dreams to manifest.  I will not grow weary of the journey, and the wonder, as He prepares a way for my next parking spot – that has a two-hour time limit.
Have you ever kept a prayer journal? What if you were to list your prayers and document the spaces that He answers them, on the way to your promised land? Remember, Scripture promises, And if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22 HCSB

Jesus, Thank you for hearing the simplest desires of our hearts, for speaking to us through the simplest of situations, and for always being a promise keeper.  Bolster our faith today, through our daily conversations, and help us to never settle for second best, Amen

Lisa Albinus

Stage Artist, Writer, Speaker and Author of "Broken Crayons Still Color" a creative romp through your heart, using Scripture as your foundation.

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