Putting Lipstick on a Pig
By Stephanie Davis
“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 ESV
“Oh God… Why is this so hard? Why do I continue to fail? Why aren’t my words bringing about the change that I proclaim to want? Why don’t my actions reflect the desires of my heart? Or more importantly… the desires of Your heart?”
These are the thoughts that consume my mind on more days that I care to admit. God has positioned me in a place of great influence, and I feel like more times than not I’m allowing myself to be influenced by the enemy. My thoughts… My words… My actions… My influence… They are his.
I don’t have the power or the ability to transform my life or my heart into anything that resembles my Savior. At my best, I’m simply putting lipstick on a pig. And I don’t mean a cute, sweet, little pot bellied pig. I’m talking about a 600+ pound, wallowing in its own filth, eating buckets of slop, hairy, stinky, UGGGGGLY kind of pig.
Ladies, if we have Jesus Christ living in our hearts, we are called to be in this world, but we are not to be of this world! Let that sink in a minute… In it, yes, but NOT OF IT! Our thoughts… Our words… Our actions… Our influence… They should mirror His!
Before we were formed He knew us, and set us apart for His good works. We are fashioned by His hands to be an instrument in His hands – fearfully and wonderfully made to do great things for His name’s sake.
Do I believe that today? Do you? Do we truly believe that the same God who gave sight to the blind, made the lame to walk, restored life to those once dead, has the power to overcome the enemy that holds our minds and our hearts captive? That He who has begun a good work in us will actually complete it?
As I sit here and contemplate that thought, I’m overwhelmed with a sense of failure. Jesus’ words flood my mind – “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41).
Left to my own strength, I will fail EVERY SINGLE TIME! Because my flesh and my spirit is nothing compared to the power the enemy wields. However, like a dog on a leash, he can only go as far as his master allows, and that my friend, puts me on shouting ground.
Ladies… Our Heavenly Father has not brought us this far to simply abandon us here. He not only wants us to run the race set before us but He wants us to finish well.
Here’s what I know:
- Left to my own strength, I will crumble at the weight of the responsibility.
- Left to my own desires, my heart will lead me astray.
- Left to my own thoughts, depression will consume me.
Stop and think about that for a minute…
- What do you know?
- Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the areas of your life that the enemy has held captive.
- As the Lord reveals those captive areas, write them down and fervently pray for God to transform your mind.
- Write out Romans 12:2 and commit it to memory.
- For further study, read 2 Corinthians 10.
Precious Heavenly Father! Master and maker of our minds… Renewer of our strength. As I contemplate these words, Lord I’m convicted. You should be the master of my mind. Forgive me for allowing another to rule. Today, I ask You to reveal to me the areas in my mind and heart that go against You. Transform those places into something that is pleasing to You, so that I may walk worthy to the manner in which I have been called. And God may You and You alone receive the glory. For it’s in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.